If a Parent Is Refusing To Provide Information For the FAFSA, What Does She Have To Certify For the Student To Receive Unsubsidized Loan Funds?

Award Year: 2023-24 KA-36477 Helpfulness Rating 2,271 page views

This guidance is specific to the 2023-24 award year and later.

For a student without parental support, the financial aid office must get documentation (such as a signed written statement or an institutional form) from the parent indicating:

Changes to Section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, [20 USC 1087TT], effective July 1, 2023, state the requirement is an "or" proposition. This is a change from the 2022-23 award year and earlier when the requirement was a "and" proposition. Effective with 2023-24, the parent may:

  1. Refuse to complete the FAFSA and sign and date a statement to that effect; or
  2. Sign and date a statement certifying that they refuse to provide support now and in the future (including the date support ended).

If the parents refuse to sign and date a statement to this effect, the aid office must get documentation from a third party (the student is not sufficient), such as a teacher, counselor, cleric, or court. See Chapter 5 of the Application and Verification Guide in the FSA Handbook.

Student Aid Reference Desk: For additional information, try the Student Aid Reference Desk. It is a central hub of all the important financial aid resources you need with direct links to legislation, regulation, Dear Colleague Letters, and other ED and NASFAA references. It is updated on a rolling basis with the latest news and changes.

See AskRegs Knowledgebase Q&A: If a Student's Parents Refuse To Provide Support, How Does the Student Complete the FAFSA To Borrow a Direct Unsubsidized Loan?

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