Is a Pell Grant Recalculation Required If a Student Begins Attendance In Some But Not All Classes?

Award Year: 2024-25 KA-36579 Helpfulness Rating 248 page views

This guidance is specific to the 2024-25 award year and later.

Yes. Under 34 CFR 690.80(b), if the student doesn’t begin attendance in all classes for a payment period, resulting in a change in the student’s enrollment intensity, you must recalculate the student’s award for that payment period based on the lower enrollment intensity. A student is considered to have begun attendance in all classes if the student attends at least one day of each class for which the Federal Pell Grant was awarded.

If you recalculate a Pell award because the student’s enrollment intensity has changed (i.e., there is a change in the number of credits in on which the student's Pell award was originally calculated), you must also take into account any changes in the student’s costs at that time. For example, if a student enrolls full time (100% enrollment intensity) for the first semester and then only begins attendance in 5 credits (5/12 or 42%), during that semester, the student’s costs will change. Only certain cost components are allowed for students who are enrolled in a number of credits that fall below 50% enrollment intensity.

See also AskRegs Knowledgebase Q&A, Does Enrollment Intensity Apply To the Other Title IV Programs Beyond Pell? (Award Year: 2024-25)

Note: Effective with the 2024-25 award year, as part of the FAFSA Simplification Act, the Special Rule for Pell Grants replaces the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG) and the Children of Fallen Heroes (CFH) Scholarship. Instead of an IASG or a CFH award, eligible students will receive a maximum Pell Grant regardless of their SAI (adjusted for enrollment intensity as needed). See the AskRegs Knowledgebase Q&A: Can We Make IASG and Children Of Fallen Heroes Awards Starting In 2024-25? (Award Year: 2024-25)

Student Aid Reference Desk: For additional information, try the Student Aid Reference Desk. It is a central hub of all the important financial aid resources you need with direct links to legislation, regulation, Dear Colleague Letters, and other ED and NASFAA references. It is updated on a rolling basis with the latest news and changes. 

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