This guidance is not award-year-specific and applies across award years.
Yes. NASFAA confirmed with the U.S. Department of Education (ED) that nothing prevents a confined or incarcerated student from providing a centralized email address (such as the financial aid office) on their paper FAFSA.
According to the July 30, 2024 Electronic Announcement (GENERAL-24-94), and NASFAA has confirmed with ED, “Students that are identified as incarcerated will receive both a paper FAFSA Submission Summary and an email notification (if there is a valid email address on the form) that their form was processed.” If the school's email address is provided, the school will receive the FAFSA Submission Summary on the student's behalf.
Outdated Guidance Note: At the time this AskRegs Q&A was published, Volume 6 of the FAFSA Specifications Guide had not yet been updated to reflect the above guidance. It stated incorrectly, that the email address would not be used for the electronic delivery of a FAFSA Submission Summary to a confined or incarcerated student.
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