Will Contributors Have To Manually Enter FAFSA Data If They Separated or Divorced After Filing the Tax Return?

Award Year: 2024-25 KA-36633 Helpfulness Rating 711 page views

This guidance is specific to the 2024-25 award year and later.

Yes. According to U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) FAFSA Simplification Questions and Answers, SAI-Q7/A7:

"SAI-Q7: There are situations where the FTI does not accurately reflect an individual’s situation such as when an applicant was married and filed jointly two years ago but has since divorced and no longer has a spouse. Are such applicants required to manually provide income and tax information on the FAFSA form?

SAI-A7: Yes. There are circumstances when an applicant’s FTI does not accurately represent the applicant’s financial situation, including cases where an individual’s marital status has changed since filing taxes two years prior. In these circumstances, the applicant and/or one of their FAFSA contributors may need to enter data on the FAFSA form manually."

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