Are There Specific Requirements For a School’s Accrediting Agency To Evaluate Prison Education Programs?

Award Year: 2023-24 KA-36650 Helpfulness Rating 57 page views

This guidance is specific to the 2023-24 award year and later.

Yes. According to AC-Q3/A3 on the U.S. Department of Education's (ED's) Prison Education Programs Questions and Answers website.

"The Department includes requirements for an accrediting agency or State approval agency to evaluate a school’s PEP in regulation at 34 CFR 668.237(b). Those requirements include:

These evaluations are to demonstrate that a school has the ability to offer and implement the PEP. The accrediting agency is expected to base its evaluation of the PEP on its standards, and, if approved, include the program in the school’s accreditation or preaccreditation."

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