How Do We Resolve Comment Code 303 Starting In 2024-25?

Award Year: 2024-25 KA-36942 Helpfulness Rating 578 page views

This guidance is specific to the 2024-25 award year and later.

Scenario: Comment Code 303 reads, "The student’s parent indicated that they reside in a foreign country but did not file any tax return due to not earning any income. The FAA has the authority to request certain financial documents from the student’s parent(s) to verify the student’s eligibility for federal student aid."

Volume 7 of the FAFSA Specifications Guide states that the following action is needed: "Resolution Required. Determine if the student/parent has foreign income but has not filed a foreign tax return for reasons other than being low income. For instructions on how to resolve foreign nonfilers who did not file a foreign tax return for reasons other than having low income, see the Federal Student Aid Handbook, Application and Verification Guide."

We cannot find any information in the Application and Verification Guide for 2024-25. 

Answer: NASFAA has asked the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and do not yet have an answer to this question. When we have an answer, we will update this Q&A and post it in Today's News.

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