This guidance is not award-year-specific and applies across award years.
Yes. In the near future (date unknown), the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will be publishing data sharing guidance on the FAFSA Simplification changes to FAFSA data and federal tax information (FTI) starting in 2024-25. Like schools, NASFAA is waiting for that guidance. Be sure to stay tuned to NASFAA's Today's News for an announcement when it becomes available. If your questions are not answered in that guidance and with NASFAA's Data Sharing Decision Tree (when it too is updated), please feel free to resubmit your open questions at that time. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the meantime.
See also the 2023 Federal Student Aid (FSA) Training Conference session B010, Data Use and Considerations Under the FUTURE Act and FAFSA Simplification.
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